A stretch IRA is not a type of IRA account. Rather, a stretch IRA is a distribution strategy for the inheritors of IRA accounts. With a stretch strategy, the IRA account is passed from beneficiary to beneficiary, with the only withdrawals from the account...
The Social Security Administrations reports: ...over 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before reaching age 67. Those are some pretty rough odds! Given the risk, a disability policy can be a useful tool for protecting one's income stream. If you decide to...
elimination period, employer benefits, financial planning, insurance, long-term disability, money, purchasing power
If you’re one of the few lucky Americans that has a pension, you may have a deliberation in front of you: how and when to receive your money. With many pensions, you can choose to either elect: annuitization (to receive monthly payments for life),...
employer benefits, fee-only financial planner, financial planning, Individual Retirement Account, money, pension, Qualified Retirement Plan
In addition to eternal happiness, marriage provides countless financial advantages, including: Possible Tax Reduction The ability to contribute to a spousal Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) account Sharing living expenses The topic of this week’s post discusses yet another advantage available to married couples: assuming...
Beneficiaries, Estate Planning, financial planning, Individual Retirement Account, Qualified Retirement Plan, retirement
Life’s emotional challenges are often intertwined with life’s financial challenges. When it comes to advanced financial planning, these life challenges are scrutinized for their financial impact. Consider three significant life-changing events: • the birth of a child • the death of a parent •...
bank, Beneficiaries, Estate Planning, financial planning, Individual Retirement Account, money, Qualified Retirement Plan, Trust, Will
It is important to understand your cash flow; you want to know where your money is going. For the purposes of financial planning, categorize expenses into boxes A, B, and C. This process serves as a tool to help manage spending and saving patterns.