Many people are ready to make the transition to retirement. They envision living a less stressful, carefree lifestyle. Where they can be adventurers, live next to the ocean, hear the waves crash. Enjoy the warm sunshine, swim in the...
How much can retirees withdraw from their nest egg each year? This is a question that many thought was answered by the 4% rule, first articulated by Bill Bengan in 1994. Bengan is a retired financial planner from Southern...
Many employers provide or share the cost of health insurance, for their employees. This is a wonderful benefit. Since many receive it as part of their benefits package they often are not knowledgeable about plan provisions, costs and benefits....
Much has been written about the inadequate level of saving by Baby Boomers in America. Not a day goes by when you don’t see an article on the difficult road faced by aging boomers, who have not saved enough...
To iron out his retirement plan, Temüjin meets with a financial advisor. Temüjin’s plan is ambitious, with a travel itinerary spanning from China to Bulgaria. Undoubtedly, such a vacation will be expensive. To help save for this coming expense,...
Meet Marcus. Marcus has poured tens of thousands of dollars into his whole life insurance policy. He's sick of paying the expensive premiums - only to see the value of his policy decline! So, what's Marcus to do -...